Oct 09, 2018
The participant was healthy and active until age 32 when he began to develop symptoms of acute kidney injury (thought to have been caused by medication) and migraines. He was found to have a decreased number of white cells called neutrophils (neutropenia) and poor regulation of his heart rate when moving from sitting to standing (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). Around this time, he was also diagnosed with hemoglobin C trait after hemoglobin analysis was performed. Further testing revealed decreased circulating renin and aldosterone levels, magnesium wasting in his kidneys, and an immune system abnormality (anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) antibody positivity). Some of his other symptoms include vertigo and abnormal bladder function (nocturia, polyuria, isosthenuria). The participant has been through a number of treatments and therapies that have not been successful at relieving the symptoms he is experiencing.
If this participant sounds like you or someone you know, please contact us!